Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!

New house, new state, new neighborhood, new car (yes, van was falling apart after many long years), new job for Jason, new cpap machine for me (and probably Jason too), new homeschool group. Happy New Life is kind of more like it. I am excited, but let's be real here. I am skeered. I am so stressed it's ridiculous.

I guess that's it. All this newness, I thought I'd better put up a new blog post to go with it. For all zero who read. But this is therapy for me so it's all good.


  1. I read--I just get out of the habit of checking because you go so far between posts!! I need daily updates. Daily. Think of all the stress you could relieve.

    How's the cpap? Are noticing a difference yet? Inquiring minds want to know. How bout you post pics of your new house? I wanna see.

  2. And I think you owe me an apology. I commented on almost all of the posts you've done. Zero reading my tush.
